Radeon HD 7500 driver not compatible with Windows 10 - Ten Forums.AMD Catalyst Display Driver 15.7.1 for Windows 10 - TechSpot.Download AMD Radeon HD 8400 Graphics Driver 15.200.1062.1004 for Windows 10.AMD Radeon Adrenalin 21.5.2 driver download - Guru3D.AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series not displaying HDMI output in Windows 10.AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series Specs: Overclocking, Accelerator etc.Amd Radeon Hd 7700 Series Driver For Mac - binaryyellow.Last time this got fixed after by factory resting the pc and still it would not detect the card but 1 week after using the computer when i turned it on a system message told me that i was pluged in onboard and there was a graphic card pluged in the motherboard and not to have hdmi plugged onboard unless multiple screens is enabled even tho its always been disabled pluged the card back in a couple of times i did a sfc scan here is the results.
The system think its unplugged i then uninstalled the drivers for amd used DDU program to unsitall all amd drivers and tried reinstalling them manually but the system doesn't detect the card i even went in the bios to change the onboard video to the graphic's card but the bios doesn't see the card there's only the onboard showing up in boot section This time i restored while pluged in to the onboard video after i opened device manager and found amd radeon 7700 had error 45 (note that once i did a system restart and it did fix this issue but i was lucky enough that when i restarted my computer i had pluged it back on the graphic card and it happened to see it) No signal showed up so i then turned off the computer and pluged it in the onboard video so i could see somethingĪfter that i did a system restore to try to get a rollback on what happen during the restart Alright i need help this is the second time i have this issue not sure how i fixed it the first time but i did so i know the graphic card is working